Buku Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 Sd Pdf Template
To read the preface of this page, This page contains English Listening files (audios, videos and transcripts) which can be used as additional materials for the teaching of English in Indonesia. Listening audios and videos are in mp3 and flv. Files; while Listening transcripts are in pdf and word (doc) files. You can edit and use them based on the level and situation of the teaching learning process.
May 18, 2017 - sd/mi kelas 6 pkn: esps (erlangga straight point series) jual buku. Rp 67,500.00 6 pendidikan jasmani, olahraga dan. Biologi xii ipa. Menyediakan contoh tesis dalam format pdf dan ms word. Materi manual bahasa inggris kelas 2 sd. Biologi kelas 11 semester 1 - bahasa inggris kelas 3 sd.
Please, leave a suggestion or comment after downloading. Halaman ini berisi file-file English Listening (audio, video dan transkrip) yang dapat digunakan sebagai materi tambahan dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris di Indonesia. Listening Audio dan video berbentuk file mp3 dan flv.; sedangkan transkrip listening berbentuk pdf dan word(doc). Anda bisa mengedit dan menggunakannya berdasarkan pada level dan situasi pembelajaran.
Mohon meninggalkan saran atau komentar setelah men-download. Terima Kasih. OH, THANK GOD! FINALLY I FOUND THIS GREAT SITE! I think I’ll use your web as my ONE STOP ENGLISH from now on, Mr.
Well, the one that’s created by an Indonesian, I mean. Because I still need to visit BBC and other learning English websites created by natives. And I really appreciate your amazing work on this web. I wish I can create a killer blog some day. Just like yours. It makes my heart feels with more hope, really, every time I found a good, useful and creative education sites like this.
Hope that someday Indonesia would get better and be cured. We definitely need more honest, sincere and intelligent people in this country. Oops, sorry for the long comment. I’m an English learner and this is one of my writing practice. I hope you don’t mind.
And thank you very much for the materials. Thanks for the compliment, Rahma.
Never have I received such a praise. Really, I feel flattered. But I think it’s overwhelming. I just do what I can. I’m still learning how to manage this simple blog and to make it better as additional resources for Indonesian teachers/students in learning English.
As far as I’m concerned, we still lack of listening materials. I mean, to improve the quality of English learning in our country, we should have emphasized on the listening skill. The answer is simple. Language is a mean of communication.
It is a skill. The more we use it; the more we’ll master it. Someone can speak, because he/she can listen or hear something. In other words, “listen first, speak later”. Glad to know that you wanna make a blog concerning on education. That’s great. So, make it come true; don’t just keep it as a plan.
Start now, so that we can learn and share our knowledge to each other. Warm regards. I tend not to write many remarks, however I read through a few responses on this page English Listening Materials (Audio, Video and Scripts) soehaarrr.com. I actually do have a couple of questions for you if you do not mind. Hanzipen sc regular font. Could it be just me or do a few of the comments come across like they are written by brain dead folks? 😛 And, if you are posting on other online sites, I’d like to keep up with you. Could you make a list of the complete urls of all your social community pages like your twitter feed, Facebook page or linkedin profile?
We appreciate any effort designed to improve our brother’s foreign language abilities especially listening skills. As a former student of an International Islamic University, I really feel how I was so embarrassed with my own lack of pronunciation due to shortness of listening. By then I told my self to learn how to listen correctly so that I could be better in my pronunciation.
I advice any student: Listen to any source available, practice what you have listened to, you’ll get success! May Allah substitute your efforts with an abundant rewards. I am an English teacher in a junior high school in a little village far from a town. I often think how hard it is to find material for listening activities in class.

When I find this web after browsing around the virtual world, I feel that I’m a fortune teacher because I can fulfill what I often dream to give my students listening to a native speaker giving speeches as well as reading the scripts of the speeches. Thank you very much I appreciate this web, hopefully this will give meaningfulness to us (teachers) and students. Over 14 million MP3s online. Highest Quality MP3 Music Formats. Just the greatest tools to download all the music, videos and software you want.