Ethics For The Professions Rowan Pdf Files

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Part 1: ACROSS THE PROFESSIONS. Moral Theory. Perspectives on Professional Ethics.

SIXTH EDITION HEALTH CARE ETHICS HAROLD W. BAILLIE University of Scranton JOHN F. McGEEHAN Rowan University THOMAS M. GARRETT University of Scranton. 20 1 / PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH CARE ETHICS A profession, in the. Diller,. Founded in 1968, the University Senate is a deliberative body designed to promote dialogue among students, faculty and professional staff, and administration. The Senate proposes, modifies, and reviews academic policies and also oversees the administration of personnel policies negotiated by the AFT.

Bayles, What Is a Profession? Michael Davis, Professional Responsibility: Just Following the Rules? John-Christian Smith, Strong Separatism in Professional Ethics. Don Welch, Just Another Day at the Office: The Ordinariness of Professional Ethics. Banks McDowell, The Excuses That Make Professional Ethics Irrelevant. Professional-Employee Relations. Rowan, The Moral Foundation of Employee Rights.

Werhane and Tara J. Radin, Employment at Will and Due Process. Lippke, Work, Privacy, and Autonomy.

Shaw, Affirmative Action: The Moral and Legal Contexts. Vicki Schultz, Sex is the Least of it: Let's Focus Harassment Law on Work, Not Sex. Professional-Client Relations. Paul Faber, Client and Professional. Andrew Alexandra and Seumas Miller, Needs, Moral Self-Consciousness, and Professional Roles.

James Stacey Taylor, The Role of Autonomy in Professional Ethics. Mary Beth Armstrong, Confidentiality: A Comparison across the Professions of Medicine, Engineering and Accounting. Judith Andre, My Client, My Enemy.

Ethics For The Professions Rowan Pdf Files

Part 2: SPECIFIC PROFESSIONS. Business and the Professions. Edward Freeman, A Stakeholder Theory of the Modern Corporation. Eugene Schlossberger, The Moral Duties of Organizations: Dual-Investor Theory and the Nature of Organizations. Ebejer and Michael J. Morden, Paternalism in the Marketplace: Should a Salesman Be His Buyer's Keeper?

McGee, Ethical Issues in Acquisitions and Mergers. Philip Cafaro, Environmental Ethics and the Business Professional: Responsibilities and Opportunities. Gene Moriarty, Ethics, Ethos, and the Professions: Some Lessons From Engineering. Martin, Whistleblowing: Professionalism and Personal Life. Broome, Jr., Can Engineers Hold Public Interests Paramount?

Eugene Schlossberger, Trade Secrets and Patents in Engineering: Ethical Issues Concerning Professional Information. McGinn, Optimization, Option Disclosure, and Problem Redefinition: Derivative Moral Obligations and the Case of the Composite-Material Bicycle. Emanuel and Linda L. Emanuel, Four Models of the Physician-Patient Relationship.

Alan Meisel and Mark Kuczewski, Legal and Ethical Myths About Informed Consent. Tania Salem, Physician-Assisted Suicide: Promoting Autonomy or Medicalizing Suicide? Thomas May, Reassessing the Reliability of Advance Directives. Tuckett, An Ethic of the Fitting: A Conceptual Framework for Nursing Practice. Lucie Ferrell, A Dilemma of Caring: Ethical Analysis and Justification of the Nurse Refusing Assignment. Christensen, Physicians and Managed Care: Employees or Professionals? Waymack, Health Care as a Business: The Ethic of Hippocrates Versus the Ethic of Managed Care.

Joseph Kupfer and LuAnn Klatt, Client Empowerment and Counselor Integrity. Cohen, Confidentiality, Counseling, and Clients Who Have AIDS: Ethical Foundations of a Model Rule. Pope, Nonsexual Multiple Relationships. Stein, Lying and Deception in Counseling. Allen Taylor, The Adversary System of Justice: An Ethical Jungle. Pizzimenti, Informing Clients About Limits to Confidentiality.

Cohen, Pure Legal Advocates and Moral Agents: Two Concepts of a Lawyer in an Adversary System. Amy Gutmann, Can Virtue Be Taught to Lawyers? David Detmer, The Ethical Responsibilities of Journalists. Judith Lichtenberg, Truth, Neutrality, and Conflict of Interest.

Raphael Cohen-Almagor, Ethical Boundaries to Media Coverage. Thompson, Privacy, Politics and the Press.

Fred Mann, Do Journalism Ethics and Values Apply to New Media? Amy Gutmann, Democratic Education. Felicio and Jean Pienadz, Ethics in Higher Education: Red Flags and Grey Areas. Margaret Brockett, Ethics and Educator/Student Relationships. Markie, Professors, Students, and Friendship. Joel Kupperman, Autonomy and the Very Limited Role of Advocacy in the Classroom.

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