Mass Effect 1 Save Editor Pc Download

Mass Effect 1 Save Editor Pc Download 4,8/5 6235 reviews

In addition, Bioware has gotten around to doing their own save file system with Mass Effect Archives. It's likely that from here, Bioware will probably do a Dragon Age Keep thing. So, any further Mass Effect Save site would likely be redundant, and that's before if Gibbed gets around to doing his own save tools.

[01] How to open and edit Mass Effect 2 savegames • If you have not done so, download • locate and load the savegame you want to edit Each Mass Effect 2 career have it's own unique directory. Under Windows XP you can find the directory root folder here:./Documents and Settings/YourComputerID/My Documents/BioWare/Mass Effect 2/Save • Make modifications and save the changes, then click on the 3rd icon (top left) that looks like an ancient 3.5' floppy disk, a window will pop up. Now you can change folder, overwrite or simply give your modified savegame a new name. If you give your save a new name, follow the naming restrictions to be safe i.e. If you do not want to overwrite your (example) Save_0001.pcsav save, then just save it as Save_0002.pcsav - when making major changes, try to not overwrite your original save if you messed up without knowing it. [04] How to change your class mid-game (and/or give yourself talent points) • In-game calculate how much 'Talent Points' your character would have after a respec and write it up, then load the savegame you want to modify with Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor. • Under the 'Raw' tab, '[-] 2.

[05] How to change your hair (only female hairs so far): If you have more hair codes (especially males) post them to with topic 'Gibbed haircodes'. Also post a 'signature' name if you want to be credited. • Under the 'Raw' tab, '[-] 2. Squad', expand '[+] Player', expand [+] Appearance and then expand [+] Morph Head: • Under 'Hair Mesh' replace the right field with any of these meshes you cannot get in the normal face builder: Important: Might be wise to copy your orginal settings so you later can change back. [06] How to change 'colours' on hair, eyebrows, eyes, skins, etc Interesting facts: Many don't notice it, but ME1 facial options contain broader colour ranges than the ones offered in ME2. For some very strange reason BioWare decided to normalize colour ranges for ME2. Thus, before Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor, then only way to get Freemen (Dune) 'blue within blue' eyes was to make a character in ME1 and then import it into ME2 *without* doing extra modifications in the new facial editor.

After lot's of tweaking here is my results. • Under the 'Raw' tab, '[-] 2. Squad', expand '[+] Player', expand [+] Appearance and then expand [+] Morph Head: • Locate the 'Vector Parameters' field, click the left field (Collection) [.] • Then decide on what you want to change: How to change eye iris-colour: • Find the field: 'EYE_Iris_Colour_Vector' and press the (on the right side) '[+] value' field to have it expanded. • Enter a new eye iris colour. If you get any interesting eye, hair or skin colours feel free to post the colour codes (with description) to: with topic 'Gibbed colour codes'. Also post a 'signature' name if you want to be credited. If you make a interesting 'build' feel free to forward it as I posted on my 'Quarian' example.

Important facts: At first the numbers can look quite overwhelming, but they are actually simple R G B values that can be rounded down or up. To get you started I'll post some interesting eye iris colour values (don't be afraid to experiment yourself). [09] How to get the vanilla hero male/female poster face: • open Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor and load any savegame where you want to have the 'poster face'. • Under the 'Raw' tab, '[-] 2. Squad', and a expanded '[+] Player' expand '[+] Appearance', locate the field called: 'Has Morph Head', and change 'True' to 'False'.

Interesting facts: to change the 'poster face' back to the 'playermade' version, just change the 'Morph Head' field back to 'True' and import a new face. WARNING: Failure to import a face after this change will lead to a corrupted savegamee if you SAVE the changes before importing!

• Save and load the savegame to see the changes. [10] How to change your in-game gender: • open Gibbed's Mass Effect 2 Save Editor and load any savegame you want to genderchange. • Under the 'Raw' tab, '[-] 2.

Squad', and a expanded '[+] Player' locate the field called 'Is Female'. Media video mediaset. • If you are a 'male' in game, change 'Is Female = False to True' • If you are a 'female' in game, change 'Is Female = True to False' • Save and load the game. Interesting facts: You might encounter 'head' glitches' when changing gender!

If you only changed your gender to just 'activate' a romance flag (I'll explain more about that later) don't worry about it. Activate the romance, save the game, then load the editor and gender change back.