Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd Semester 1 Final Exam

Soal Uas Bahasa Inggris Kelas 6 Sd Semester 1 Final Exam 4,3/5 7316 reviews

Jumlah Soal,: 35 soal. Waktu,: 120 menit. Kelas: 6, Ujian Akhir Sekolah (Bahasa Inggris/Tahun 2007). The appropriate tittle for the text above is. Going to the market. Going to the hospital. And her sister. Ani and her brother. Soal dan Kunci UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Kelas 8 terbaru hanya di Nah silahkan adik pelajari beberapa contoh soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 ya, semoga membantu. Soal dan Kunci UAS Bahasa Inggris Semester 1 Kelas 8 (VIII) SMP/MTs. Choose the correct answer based on the following questions!

CHOOSE A, B OR C FOR THE CORRECT ANSWER! Text to number 1 - 7 My name is Laila. I am nine years old. My mother is Mrs. Dina, she is a tailor. She is very beauty.

My father is Mr. Budi, he is a teacher. He is good father. I am very happy with my family. Because my father and my mother are very love me. Who is in the text? Who is Laila’s mother?

Who is Laila’s father? Laila’s father is. Laila’s mother is a. Good mother b. Laila’s is very happy with. Her family b.

Sigit: “What is your name?” Aufa: “.” a. My name is Aufa c.

Nice to meet you 9. Sinta: “How are you Siska?” Siska: “.” a. My name is Siska b. I am Siska c. I am fine 10.

Nita meet Mr. Lg ldk pc admin software download Rudi in the afternoon. Good morning b. Good afternoon c.

Good evening 11. Good morning in Indonesian is. Selamat malam b. Selamat siang c. Selamat pagi 12. Saya punya dua mata The english sentences is.

I have two eyes b. I have two nose c. I have two teet 13. Telinga in english is. Gajah itu besar The english sentences is.

The cow is big b. The elephant is big c. The sheep is big 16. The fruit name is. Pineapple 17. Papan tulis itu kotor The englis sentences is. The whiteboard is dirty b.

The whiteboard is clean c. The whiteboard is beauty 19. I have green pencil The Indonesian sentences is. Saya punya pensil merah b. Saya punya pensil kuning c. Saya punya pensil hijau 20.

Buah jeruk in english is. Pineapple 21. N - U – C – E - L =.

F – I – U – R – T =. R – E - T – A - H – C – E – H =. FILL I THE BLANK WITH THE RIGHT ANSWER! Kakek in english is. I like pineapple. In Indonesia is saya suka.

Today is sunday, tomorrow will be. We have lunch in the. Warna kuning in english is. Good afternoon in Indonesian is. T – R – E – H – O – M =. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!

Translate into Indonesian language! Grandfather d. Grandmother Jawab.......................... Write 1- 10 numbers in english! Translate into English language! Buku Jawab..........................

Answer this quoestions! What is your name? Arrane the words to good order! U – Y - S – N – D - A b. O – O – S – C – E - L – H Jawab.......................... > KUNCI JAWABAN SOAL ULANGAN AKHIR SEMESTER 2 BAHASA INGGRIS KELAS 2 SD A. Her family 7.

My name is Aufa 9. I am fine 10. Good afternoon 11.

Selamat pagi 12. I have two eyes 13.

The elephant is big 16. The whiteboard is dirty 19. Saya punya pensil hijau 20. Grandfather 2. Selamat siang 9.

Translate into Indonesian language! Mother = Ibu b. Father = Ayah c. Grandfather = Kakek d. Grandmother = Nenek 2.

1 - 10 numbers in english: - One - Two - Three - Four - Five - Six - Seven - Eight - Nine - Ten 3. Translate into English language: a. Hidung = Nose b. Telinga = Ear c. Ayam = Chicken d. Buku = Book 4. Answer this quoestions: a.

What is your name? = My name is. = I am fine / I am Ok 5. Arrane the words to good order: a. U – Y - S – N – D - A = Sunday b. O – O – S – C – E - L – H = School.