Ubuntu Serial Port Sniffer Cable

Ubuntu Serial Port Sniffer Cable 4,2/5 4419 reviews

I have a problem with monitoring data transferred between 3D printer and software over TCP. I have 3D printer that is connected to Raspberry pi with usb cable. I'm using ser2net in rasbperry to forward the serial port data from printer through tcp to my laptop where I'm running the printer software and which is in the same network as Rasperry. In my laptop I use socat to mount virtual serial port (ttyACM1) which listens the data from forwarded serial port in rasberry. So far this works pretty well and I'm able to use software in my laptop to use printer remotely.

But now I have problem when I'm trying to monitor the data that I'm sending from the software to the printer. I have tried to use different softwares to sniff serial port data, but every time I run these softwares it disconnects the connection between printer software and virtual serial port. So how can I at the same time use software and sniff the data that I'm sending from the software to printer without canceling the connection between virtual port and the software. Here are the command and softwares I'm using in this setup: In rasperry printer is connected to ttyACM0 *ser2net.conf: 3333:raw:0:/dev/ttyACM0:115200,8DATABITS,NONE,1STOPBIT,XONXOFF,RTSCTS In my laptop: $sudo socat pty,raw,echo=0,link=/dev/ttyACM1 tcp: (in /dev/ there is now ttyACM1->/dev/pts/30 appeared) And when I try for example interceptty: $sudo interceptty /dev/ttyACM1 to sniff data when the printer software is running it says that printer is disconnected. I can still read the data from the ttyACM1 using interceptty.

And when I close interceptty it will find the printer again. Is there a way to sniff the data while using printer?

Nov 05, 2018  You have an available serial console on ttyS0. If your not getting any output, a real serial port or other device might be using ttyS0. Try using ttyS1, ttyS2, etc. If you want to use a standard Ethernet/RJ-45 cable for serial connection you can buy a couple of Serial to Cat 5 adapters or make one yourself. Server Setup.

I am running VirtualBox under linux. Gues OS is Windows XP. I have an IR transmitter connected to serial port, (yes the old kind ), on my box and added the following in VirtualBox 'Serial Ports': [v] Enable Serial Port Port Number: COM1 IRQ: 4 I/O Port: 0x3F8 Port Mode: Host Device Port/File_PAth: /dev/ttyS0 Added user to group for serial. Now: I am using sniffer on host; ie jpnevulator jpnevulator --ascii --timing-print --tty /dev/ttyS0 --read Run Guest OS and start IR software and write data by IR (In guest OS/WinXP). The data is written, but nothing comes up in jpnevulator. What am I missing here?

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After a lot of testing in a field I am a pure novice I found the following way to monitor traffic: In VirtualBox 'Serial Ports': [v] Enable Serial Port Port Number: COM1 IRQ: 4 I/O Port: 0x3F8 Port Mode: Host Pipe Port/File_PAth: /tmp/vbwincom1 And then use socat /tmp/vbwincom1 - Data written to pipe is written to terminal in host linux. This is by monitoring socket instead of serial. If anyone have a solution for monitoring /dev/ttyS0 instead of an overlayer by socket I'll accept that as an answer - but for now this does it. Hopefully it might help someone else.