Grinev S V Vvedenie V Terminovedenie 1993

Grinev S V Vvedenie V Terminovedenie 1993 3,5/5 3988 reviews

Affiliation: Heilongjang University, Ministry of Education of China Address: China, Harbin, China Journal name Edition Pages 102-114 Abstract In this article, we analyse advantages and disadvantages of approximately 60 definitions of the notion “term” proposed in Russian, English, and Chinese sources over the last 40 years. We then define the “term” as a linguistic unit that 1) conforms to the literary or professional norm and 2) either has a definition or is motivated by its parts, terminological elements, at least one of them having a definition of its own. Keywords Chinese, English, Russian, terminology Received Publication date.

Moscow, Standartin- form Publ., 2009, p. [4] Grinev S.V. Vvedenie v terminovedenie [Introduction to terminology]. Proposal turnamen futsal pdf free online. Mos- cow, Moskovskiy litsei Publ., 1993,. Vvedenie v terminovedenie [Introduction to terminology]. Moscow, Moskovskii litsei Publ., 1993. (In Russian). 5 Gurevich A.

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