World Builder Na Piratke Dlya Civilization 5
For geeks and nerds, artists, writers, philosophers, politicians and scientists alike: the creation of new worlds and new universes has been a key element of science fiction and fantasy. It can also exist outside the realm of scifi-literature and RPG-gaming as a means of exploring possibilities. This subreddit is about sharing your worlds and discussing the many aspects of creating new universes. Rules Please read our full rules (click the button below).
Mar 7, 2013 - Due to a recent patch in Steam, WorldBuilder is having problems. 1) Open the Civilization V SDK entry from within Steam. Did steps 1-5.
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There is also a compiled via Discord. Chat Looking for more active discussion? We have live chat communities that are active just about 24/7! Make sure to first (#worldbuilding on, or 6697 for SSL) We also encourage users to. Related Subreddits General • • • • Characters • • Media & Genre Tabletop • • • • Visual • • • • • Writing & Media/Genre Discussions • • • • • • External resources • • • • Filters • • • • • • •. All images are 1680x1080.png's Hi everyone! First post to worldbuilding.
The Civ Worldbuilder has been posted a couple times before, but they weren't very in-depth posts. Just pictures.
I'm here to give you guys a more in-depth look as to what you can do with it. When you start up the Worldbuilder, it allows you to select a few parameters for your world including water level, climate, and world age (younger = more vertical terrain that hasn't been worn down). You can also choose what types of landmasses it should randomly generate. Some of these options include fractal, which creates thinner, snakier continents, and a 'continents' option, which essentially creates landmasses like the ones I have in this post.
Examples of continents:,, After you generate your map, you are taken into an editor which allows you to paint hexagons certain types (desert, ocean, plains, etc.), add features (forest, hills, rivers, etc.), and add resources to the hexes (fish, copper, wheat, sheep, etc.). You can also place roads and natural wonders like the 'fountain of youth' in the depth of the forest like. I have also placed some city ruins and an 'El Dorado' natural wonder deep in the jungle mountains down by my polynesian civ. Next, you are able to create your civilizations based on the preset civilizations in Civ V.
If you really want to specify everything, you can adjust the technologies that the civ knows and specify which is connected to which. You can then place cities and determine which buildings their city has. It also adds city names according to the civilization.
Of what my world turned out like. Bt878 driver windows 7 x64 service. The black and green/white city names on each side of Dalstead/Achford are City-States that my main civilizations would interact with, but who aren't huge players on the world stage. I would also like to add another northern, possibly seafaring state in the large open area in the northwest of the main continent. Another cool thing about the worldbuilder is the oil, coal, and uranium deposits are all resources that don't actually show up until later in a civ game, so in the case of a medieval fantasy story, it's something that isn't recognized for what it is and basically remains a hidden part of the world that makes it a bit deeper for the audience. Questions and comments are appreciated.
Thanks for your time everybody! EDIT: Here's the photoshopped version of the map! I also need to add rivers and cities • • • • •.
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I use Civ IV & V not for the mapping but for the simulation aspect of the game. For example, I played several games with the same settings (continental layout, temperate climate, medium sea level, etc).